Tuesday, December 1, 2009

When God Messes with your Plans

We all know the Christmas story so well. Even the youngest child could tell the story of how an Angel came to Mary announcing that she would be the mother of Jesus. How an angel told Joseph not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife and help raise the Son of God.

But do you ever stop to think about what Mary and Joseph's plans were. They were about to be married. No doubt they had been making plans about what their life would be like once they were married, but then God messed with their plans.

God didn't ask them what they wanted, He told them what His plans were. God didn't make things easy for them either. Mary had to travel approximately 80 miles from Nazareth to Belthlehem only days before giving birth. God's plans may not have been easy, but they were perfect plans for Mary and Joseph. And in reality, for the whole world as well.

So the next time you think that God is messing with your plans and that things seem difficult in God's plan for your life, remember Mary and Joseph and simply trust that God knows what is best.


CJ said...

Ok, I needed this today! =)

Maureen Laroussi said...

WOW!!!! What a message for ME today, this hour, at this time with what I'm going through personally and struggling with spiritually! Thanks for this blog post. God is good all the time and loves each of us soooo much!!!!!