Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Running From God

Read Jonah Chapter 1...

God has asked Jonah to take a message to a group of people that, quite frankly, were mean people. They were Israel's enemy.

Jonah is probably thinking, “Yeah right God, you want me to go and say bad things about Nineveh to their faces so that they can kill me slowly and painfully!”

Instead of going to Nineveh, he runs the other way to try and get away from God.

Have you ever done that? You know that God is calling you to a specific thing, but out of fear or rebellion, you run the exact opposite direction?

The call on your life might not be to a place as dangerous as Nineveh, but it is a call all the same:

1. A call to change your behavior – but instead you do everything you can to avoid it
2. A call to be more public with your faith – but instead you keep your light hidden
3. A call to forgive someone – but instead you avoid them in order to keep your grudge
4. A call to a specific ministry or use of your spiritual gifts – but instead you put it on the back burner until a more opportune time
5. A call into as relationship with God through Jesus – but instead you throw yourself into the things of the world

Are you running from God in some area of your life? Has God asked you to be involved in something and you are not sure if you can handle it or if you really want to be involved?

Maybe you are experiencing a storm right now and this storm is God’s way of saying “It’s time to get back on track.”

It's time to stop running!

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