Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Isn't it true that everybody lies? This doesn't make it right, but we do it. Sometimes it's big, carfully fabricated lies. Sometimes it what some call little "white lies". Sometimes it's by our silence, we try to hide the truth. And sometimes it's by our actions, we do things to give a better impresion than is really true.

The greatest deception, however, is not being honest before God. We often seek to cover our sin so that we feel like we're in better condition spiritually than we really are. If we are to experience God in revival, we must begin with getting honest before God about ourselves, our sin, and our need.

Take a look at David's life. Here is a man who had been honest, but then chose a path of deception about his sin. Later as David "comes clean" we hear from him the incredible blessings of honesty and transparency.

Read Psalm 32 to see what blessings are in store for the person who will get honest with God about their sin and their need.

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